Slow down, contemplate, recharge your batteries in the heart of a unique heritage.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter: the mountains from every angle and at your feet.
Slow down, contemplate, recharge your batteries in the heart of a unique heritage.
Spring, summer, autumn, winter: the mountains from every angle and at your feet.
In Val d'Hérens, we saved 6 farm buildings from demolition.
They have been rebuilt in keeping with the heritage of our Valais vernacular architecture.
The raccard is a farm building made of larch logs on wooden posts topped with granite mouse stones.
In the backyard, families stored grain, hay and food. On the balcony, they dried corn in the sun for the winter. Underneath, a stable for Hérens cows.
The barn is an agricultural building made of larch-wood planks, placed on top of the dry-stone stable.
In the barn, families stored hay to spend the winter with the livestock housed below in the stables. The barns were scattered across the meadows to avoid unnecessary transport of hay. In winter, cows were moved from barn to barn as the forage diminished.
The granary is a farm building made of larch logs on wooden posts topped with granite mouse stones.
A veritable food reserve for the whole family, the granary was an essential element in the survival of mountain populations. It was found in the center of villages to feed several families. Under the granary, the stable for Hérens cows.
We base our concept on respect, trust and a love of nature and beautiful things.
As an old Amerindian shaman used to say, "Nature is on loan to you from your great-grandchildren...".
We look forward to welcoming you to our little paradises!